Package & Delivery Concerns

Partial Shipments

Why did I receive a partial shipment? Partial shipments may occur when one or more items in your order are...

Missing Item

Why did I receive my order with a missing item? Partial shipments may occur when one or more items in...

My order arrived damaged

If on a rare occasion, your order has a defect or is damaged upon receipt, contact us within 7 days...

Return To Sender (RTS) package status

If your package got tagged as Return to Sender (RTS), we recommend reaching out to our support team immediately so...

In transit delay tracking update

If you notice that your package’s tracking update says “In transit delay” and it’s been a while since the last...

My tracking number says the order has been delivered but I have not received it?

If your package information says that your order has been delivered already but you did not receive it, follow our...