Shipping time

Shipping Cost

Shipping to
If your order value is less than
, the shipping costs are
If your order value is over
, the shipping is free.
Your order value will be calculated after all discounts are applied.

Shipping Time

After we receive your order, your order is under processing for 3-7 business days. Once it is processed, it will get marked as completed and you will receive your tracking number via email. From that point on the actual shipping time begins.

Further notes and limitations

  • Shipments to islands or regions outside the main country may not be sent with the specified courier from the main country. Instead, attention must be paid to the “Rest of the World” shipping time.
  • Check this list of Non-Shippable countries in our help center.
  • P.O. Box address is only supported for the United States. To prevent any inconvenience, we request that you refrain from using a P.O. Box address if you anticipate your package to be larger than the available space. Instead, provide a physical address to ensure a secure and smooth delivery process.
  • APO/FPO/DPO is only supported for US addresses via standard shipping.
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